Thursday, December 1, 2011

Clothing Outreach

Last weekend we teamed up with Open Arms Fellowship and did a big clothing outreach.  We had been gathering clothes donations for a few weeks now - and I've had many friends donate clothes for this.  I've also met quite a few new friends on Facebook through these donations.

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who donated clothes and/or toys for this outreach!  It was a big success and we were so blessed to be able to meet immediate needs in the community!

I am so grateful that we were able to give out these items at no charge...and many people that were looking at the items were asking us how much.  They were expecting a yard sale for profit - and we were giving the items away all out of love for Jesus and His love for them!

Dean and his mom Marcia were able to pray with a man about a stroke he had.  We have ministered to his wife and son previously - so we were glad to finally have met him.

Enjoy checking out the pictures below :)

Loving Radically Through Christ,


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