Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday's Night Life :)

So last night we ventured out again to Twin Circles mobile home park in Butner.  We are becoming regulars there now and the people are begining to get warmed up to us....which is wonderful!

We are getting that ground ready to receive the seed on good soil on July 30th.

(If you don't yet know - that's our first big community outreach in our area.  A post about that will probably come tomorrow or this weekend.  But we will need YOU if you're willing to be used by the Lord as a servant to His people.)

We were able to give out much needed produce, snacks and loaves of bread.  Dean's mom Marcia was a great help in the food handout department last night!

Dean was also able to talk to couple of people about their current walk with the Lord.  He spoke directly to the young men about saying they loved Jesus, but still living like they didn't.

He also has been having great conversation with a young guy named Enoch.  This guy is really hungry for the Word of the Lord and Dean is going to be there to meet that need!  Dean has challenged Enoch to begin reading the Bible and learning what the Lord really has to say, and specifically reading about the man named Enoch of God's Word. 

Enoch did say that he did not have a Bible that he could really read.  All that was in his house was a Spanish Bible and he really couldn't read Spanish all that well.  So we have promised to get him an English Bible very soon.  If you would like to donate an English Bible for Enoch, please let us know!  They have a great ESV version at Family Christian for only $5 right now.

Last, but definitely not least, is my favorite "department"....the kids :)  They just make me smile.  I love hanging out with them and seeing their faces light up when we pull up and get out to talk with them.   They love the treats and are always eager to get the food and take it home to their parents.
I was able to talk with the little guy in the green shirt a little more last night.  When we were there last week I encouraged him to read some books while he was out of school for the summer, and to specifically read his Bible.  Last night I was so excited when he told me that he had started reading his Bible.  I then challenged him to read the book of James, and when I came back again if he had read it and was able to answer a pop-quiz question for me, then I'd have a special surprise for him.

Now just to think of a good surprise for this 5th  Suggestions are welcomed :)

In closing I'd like to just say how appreciative we are for what God is doing in our ministry already.  We are sure that we is happening so far is definitely from the Lord.   We know that we are in His will at this time because wonderful things keep coming our way - at just the right time.

If you would consider praying about helping us out with donations for gas to travel back and forth for all of the food pick ups and distributions, we would really appreciate it.  We totally understand that times are tough right now.  If you would be willing to partner with us and just pledge to $5 a week in gas, it would greatly help!

Loving Radically Through Christ,


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