Thursday, May 31, 2012

Just wanted to touch base on the family I had posted about on facebook who lost everything to a house fire in Durham....

They are moving into an apartment in another part of Durham this weekend.  Their older daughter Frances has graciously allowed them to stay with her and her two teenage children for the past couple of weeks.

I'm sure they are very excited about moving back into their own place though.

I just want to thank everyone that read my post and stepped up to help this family in need....Lesley Chaffin for lots of brand new toys for the little girl, Kim McNeilly for clothing donations, Erin Emory for a gift card donation, Tresa Lee for clothing donations, Cindy Brantley for various item donations, and any others if I missed you - please forgive me!!

The family is still in need of basic household items like queen and twin bed sets, new pillows, dressers for their clothes, and gift cards to local retail shops to get other needed items.

If you have anything you would like to donate, please just get in touch with me and I can put you directly in touch with the family.

Loving Radically Through Christ,


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