Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Not Sure What's Up

At this point I'm not really sure what God's up to - but I'm just gonna keep my ears open for His voice.

I really feel like He's been speaking to me for a while now about doing some type of middle school girls study/fellowship.

I'm not sure if this is a one time thing (sorta like a weekend event) or an ongoing study.  But He placed the idea in my heart and mind a few years ago....but that was WAAAAAY before I was ready.

I know He's going to use my past experiences with sex and relationships - the heartaches and dramas - the sin and redemption....but I just don't know how yet.  Right now He's just got me studying up and getting my ideas down on paper.

Ya'll please pray for me to be receptive - to do His will - not mine.  And even though pre-teen and early teen girls are super scary for me, He can work through me for them.

Loving Radically Through Christ,


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