We haven't been blogging very often, but rest assured it's because we're busy!!
God has really been able to put some families in our paths that we have been able to get to know and bless with some physical needs, but most importantly we've been able to share some prayer time and His Word.
We went to the home of a family on Friday night and we fell in love instantly with this family! We were able to provide some food for a family that was struggling - but we were also able to sit and talk with them for over an hour about their current problems in life and how God can and will be there for them. We prayed with all of them individually about current personal needs that they had and counseled the teenage girl on some high school problems she has been facing.
We thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them and hope to be able to continue to minister to them and build the friendship with them!
Then on Sunday we attended Working Faith Ministries in Butner. This church had teamed up with us on our July 30th outreach in Twin Circles. It was a great service and we really felt pumped up and encouraged by the Word that was preached.
This church is going to be having a Back to School drive very soon. They want to provide as many school supplies and bookbags as possible for local kids.
If you feel led to donate any amount of school supplies, please contact us! We would love to be able to get these to children in need.
I have been able to snag some really good deals at the local office supply stores the last week. Those of you that know me, know I love a good coupon :) But they limit the number of super cheap items you can get - so I wasn't able to get as many as I wanted....lol.
Tonight Dean will be heading out to Twin Circles to give out some bread, milk and sweets - and also to try and get some kids to attend the Vacation Bible School at Open Arms Fellowship tonight.
I'll be teaching the 1st and 2nd graders tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday - so please pray that the Lord will speak through me and clearly enough to get the message out to the little ones.
Also pray that He'll reveal to me exactly what He wants me to know from these lessons. It's no coincidence that last week I abruptly realized my Fruit of the Spirit hasn't been too abundant in some areas....and this week I'm teaching a group of children on it.
Loving Radically Through Christ,
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